Workplace Wellbeing… at Whirlpool!

ORL Associate and partner at The Wellbeing Programme, Rachel Watson, recently delivered our new ‘Mental Health Awareness for Managers’ programme to around 200 managers at home appliances company Whirlpool Corporation. The programme was a great success, with feedback comments including:

“Great course, a must for all managers and others” 

“Please ensure all managers attend”

“Enlightening course on a very serious subject”

“A comprehensive introduction to mental health issues as they could affect the working environment”

Great news for Whirlpool, ORL…oh, and our Rach

Acorns…helping us make ‘Fit for Purpose’ truly Fit for Purpose!

Our friends at Acorns Children’s Hospice have been busy helping us trial some of our new training materials. Acorns are a regulated charity offering specialist care for life-limited and life-threatened babies, children and young adults and their families in the Midlands. Their valued support for our ‘Fit for Purpose’ programme means that we can now be truly confident in the content, delivery and benefits of the programme’s introductory events and nine separate modules. The feedback has been totally amazing and we very much look forward to continuing the roll-out of the programme during the rest of 2017.

For more information on ‘Fit for Purpose’ and our other wellbeing programmes, please see here

Workplace Wellbeing at Carey Group

With an estimated one in six people within the construction industry likely to experience some form of mental health issue this year, one of our clients Carey Group decided to take the all-important step of learning more about the effects of stress and other mental health factors in the workplace. The Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Team at Careys were particularly keen to develop their skills to help them recognise the symptoms and causes of stress, and to explore ways of increasing resilience levels to deal with workplace demands more effectively. ORL Director Ann Pemberton delivered our new ‘Mental Health Awareness for Managers’ programme and also introduced the team to our ‘Fit for Purpose’ programme which looks at ways of increasing personal and team resilience levels. The workshop proved to be a resounding success and follow-up events are now planned to take place in April. We will bring news of these in due course!

Putting safety first at VINCI Facilities!

After the success of last year’s events, client VINCI Facilities again approached ORL to support this year’s Supply Chain Safety Conferences which were held last month in Birmingham and Thurrock. The purpose of the conferences was for VINCI and their key suppliers to share latest industry best practice and promote a culture that ensures everyone’s health and safety in the workplace. Key themes at both events were ‘Accidents don’t happen by accident’ and ‘Managing risks rather than hazards’, messages that were reinforced in presentations and activities throughout the day. Presentations included updates on latest industry H&S legislation, best practice guidelines for accident investigation, as well as inputs from key suppliers on how they minimise accidents at work. A real highlight of the events was the ‘Accident Investigation’ session in which attendees were asked to investigate a ‘live’ incident and interview the main characters played by actors. The days concluded with an interactive Q&A session fronted by keynote speakers from the business and key suppliers and included the use of a texting facility and voting buttons for questions submitted throughout the day. This year’s conferences generated superb feedback for VINCI and ORL, and we very much look forward to working together to support future events.

The image below shows VINCI staff and suppliers hard at work at the Thurrock event.

VINCI staff and suppliers hard at work at the Thurrock event

VINCI UK Leaders picking up the baton at Project Orchestra!

If you’re a regular reader of Latest News, you’ll know that we’re heavily involved in the roll-out of the ‘Project Orchestra’ programme with one of our clients, VINCI UK. Based on the Best Practices for Construction Project delivery, ‘Orchestra’ looks at the project launch, works planning and delivery phases of construction projects across the UK businesses and provides VINCI staff at all levels with a highly interactive opportunity to develop their project skills and behaviours. The programme also includes a specific one-day event for Project Leaders to help them prepare their teams to get the best from the experience, and then coach and support them to put the learning and project disciplines into practice.

Here’s the latest groups of Leaders demonstrating how to interpret a brief and build a successful model – well done teams!

VINCI leaders group activities VINCI leaders group activities VINCI leaders group activities

ORL announce new strategic partnership with Bell Taylor

ORL are delighted to announce the formation of a new strategic partnership with Bell Taylor, a specialist employment law consultancy supplying Employment Law, HR and Health & Safety support services to a number of UK-based businesses. Going forward, ORL will provide the training resource and support for Bell Taylor’s own client training activities, while Bell Taylor will support our own clients should they require employment law advice or guidance.

5 Star Service at VINCI Facilities

We’re delighted to be working again with one of our established clients, VINCI Facilities, on a customer care programme called ‘5 Star Customer Service’. The aim of the programme is to help customer facing employees feel confident in delivering truly ‘5 Star’ standards of service in all aspects of their role. A pilot event has been successfully delivered and we’re looking forward to rolling the programme out across the UK business. We’ll be sharing more news about the programme in future ‘Latest News’ updates. If you think your team would benefit from some fresh impetus, new ideas and perspectives on how to wow your customers, then why not give us a call? It’s what we do! For contact details, see the foot of our website below.

Acorns to mighty oaks do grow…

Last month saw us run a very successful team building event for the Income Generation team at Acorns Children’s Hospice Trust in Birmingham. Acorns are a registered charity offering specialist care for life limited and life threatened babies, children and young adults and their families in the Midlands. The day focussed on clarifying objectives and direction for the team’s fund raising activities in 2017 and was a huge success, one of the team telling us “In the 14 years that I have worked here, I can honestly say that this was the most enjoyable, motivational and fun training day that I have attended.  It was brilliant how Ann and David got the whole team working together so that we left feeling re-energized and proud to be part of such a wonderful organisation and a dedicated wider team. I actually went to sleep with a big smile on my face and am still buzzing this morning!” Thank-you Acorns!

Acorns Children’s Hospice team

Bite-sized learning sends them into a spin at Whirlpool…!

ORL associate Tim Ashworth recently spent a very useful the day with one of our clients, domestic appliance supplier Whirlpool at their UK headquarters in Peterborough. Tim delivered four 90-minute workplace effectiveness workshops – ‘The Art of Prioritising’, ‘Dealing with Time Stealers,’ ‘Saying No Nicely’ and “The Art of Effective Delegation.”  If you feel your staff would benefit from some bit-sized learning, please get in touch!

Full steam ahead at Maersk Line…!

Congratulations to the successful learners at container shipping company Maersk Line who have achieved their ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management. After attending our ‘Effective Manager’ programme, the learners then completed four separate work-based assignments in Planning and Organising, Managing Performance, Motivation and Leadership in order to gain their qualification. The successful team are pictured here with their ILM certificates. A big ‘well done’ from all of us at ORL for their efforts and hard work. If you’d like to find out we can help get your team qualified in Leadership & Management, please get in touch.